In OnkaÂparinga RivÂer NationÂal Park, diverse hikÂing trails take you to cliff tops with magÂnifÂiÂcent views, or down to perÂmaÂnent rock pools teemÂing with life. You’ll see rugged ridge tops and the narÂrow rivÂer valÂley of the specÂtacÂuÂlar OnkaÂparinga Gorge. This park proÂtects some of the finest remainÂing pockÂets of remÂnant vegÂeÂtaÂtion in the SouthÂern AdeÂlaide region. WherÂevÂer you go, you’ll be among native wildlife such as birds, koalas, kanÂgaÂroos and posÂsums — you may even spot an echidÂna. Areas of the park were used as farmÂland for many years, so you can also disÂcovÂer herÂitage-listÂed huts and the ruins of housÂes built in the 1880s.
Shared-use trails also offer opporÂtuÂniÂties for mounÂtain bike ridÂers and horse ridÂers to enjoy the rugged beauÂty of the park
In OnkaÂparinga RivÂer RecreÂation Park, the rivÂer spills onto the plains, creÂatÂing wetÂland ponds and flood plains. The area conÂserves imporÂtant fish breedÂing habiÂtat and hunÂdreds of native plant and aniÂmal species, many of which are rare. The OnkaÂparinga RivÂer estuÂary also proÂvides habiÂtat for endanÂgered migraÂtoÂry birds. You can go fishÂing in the rivÂer, wanÂder along the wetÂland boardÂwalks, ride a bicyÂcle on the shared use trails, walk your dog (on a lead), kayak the calm waters or just be at peace with nature.
Just next door, to the east of the recreÂation park, OnkaÂparinga RivÂer NationÂal Park boasts cliff top views, deep gorges and rock climbing.
(+61) 7133 7300